Good morning {{{FullName}}} |
Today's Summary: French secretary of state, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari emphasised that France is unlikely to apply the “vaccine passport”, like most countries in the world, since it is incapable of getting legal support.
As many luxury hotels in Australia have been used as quarantine facilities, this may affect their reputation following the pandemic. Some believe that strict policies on cleanliness may solve this issue.
Of the 2552 topics gathered across social channels and news platforms relating to the travel industry (Australia and New Zealand markets), 91.66% show neutral and positive sentiment, with 8.34% showing negative sentiment.
The information was collected on Thursday 14 January, 2021 |
Chinese trends and the interests of Chinese consumers change fast! Below are the top two discussed news among all Chinese digital channels. |
France is rejecting the "vaccine passport". French media: it is not only difficult in legislation, but also difficult in implementation 法国拒绝“疫苗护照” 法媒: 既难立法也难执行 Channel: [UC] Synopsis: On January 11, the Secretary of State for Transport in French government, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari refused to implement the “vaccine passport” measure when he was interviewed by LCI. Jean-Baptiste emphasized that it is unlikely to apply the “vaccine passport” in France, as like as most countries in the world, since it is incapable of getting legal support. A legal expert in the field of air transport explained that a company might face discrimination litigation if it refuses to provide products or services based on customer’s health conditions. In addition, it is difficult for enterprises to check in practice, because unlike police, restaurant operators do not have the right to check customer’s ID. Also, these rules might lead to a loss in customers. Read more
Luxurious hotels in Australia are affected by the epidemic, will you choose them in the future? 澳洲豪华酒店“疫情门”,你以后还会选择住酒店吗? Channel: [新浪] Synopsis: Data indicated that more than 70,000 tourists were put in quarantine in Australian hotels since late March. Economists indicated that the history of quarantine might affect these hotels reputation of “luxury”. For example, some loyal customers might think that the brand image is destroyed and hence shift to other brands. One of the hotel managers said that they will take the idea of “safe hotel” further for 3-6 months after the epidemic to help consumers eliminate their uncomfortable feelings. Some industry professionals believe that the strict standards on cleanliness may solve hotel’s health problems after the epidemic. In addition, the implementation of intelligent products will enhance the industry level of Australian hotels as well. Read more
We monitor social media content from Social Apps including WeChat and Weibo, as well as numerous News outlets. The pie chart below tells you which apps have the most buzz around your industry. Knowing which platforms are buzzing will help you plan your channel strategy.
The Buzzword cloud is generated daily to help you identify key trends and industry terminology. The larger the word, the bigger the buzz! |
Top three buzzword: China (中国), Australia (澳大利亚), International (国际)
If you want to learn more about the story behind the buzz, please contact Ariel for more information. |
United Media Solution (UMS) is an award-winning marketing to Chinese agency. We are a full-service independent agency which specialises in digital and social marketing. Learn more about us HERE.
UMS also offers a number of other social monitoring services to suit your business needs. If you would like learn more or sign up for Morning Brief, contact UMS Establish Team Director Ariel Yan at, or reply to this email directly. |