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Thursday, 28 January, 2021
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Today's Summary:
With the introduction of underwater hotels and restaurants, the sea is looking to become the new sightseeing location for tourists around the world.

Interactive displays and “walls” have increased in popularity due to their immersive and interactive design.

Of the 3934 topics gathered across social channels and news platforms relating to the travel industry (Australia and New Zealand markets), 92.76% show neutral and positive sentiment, with 7.24% showing negative sentiment.
The information was collected on Tuesday 26 January, 2021
Chinese trends and the interests of Chinese consumers change fast! Below are the top two discussed news among all Chinese digital channels.
Will the sea become a scenic spot in the future?
Channel: toutiao.com [今日头条]
Synopsis: Underwater sightseeing has introduced the ocean to tourists. Many countries continue to build new underwater facilities, such as the first underwater hotel in Maldives, and the world’s largest underwater restaurant in Norway. Nowadays, underwater galleries have become a popular trend in this field. Dr Hayley Stainton, a British scholar in tourism believed that there is a market in underwater sightseeing, yet it is limited to a minority of the people who are rich. However, Patricia Rodiles, the PR manager of Les Roches Hospitality Education disagrees with Dr Hayley. She thinks that needs will increase, and the relevant cost will continue to reduce as time goes on. Several sustainable plans are instigated worldwide in order to educate and promote local economy. For instance, the “Green Fin” has summarized an internationally accepted guidance for sustainable diving, which has been adopted by 11 countries and 600 underwater sightseeing companies.
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How to attract tourists through a "wall"? Just look at these high-tech interactive walls!
Channel: baidu.com [百度]
In recent years, “immersive” and “interactive” have become the hottest trends in art designs. Interactive walls are one of the most popular forms, as they are able to establish and create an unprecedented sense of participation and connection for tourists through multiple aspects. There are more and more interactive walls in public spaces. Patricia and Philip Frost scientific museum in Miami is holding an immersive experience of the Gulf stream, which allows tourists to see their influences on the food chain and fish behaviour. Other famous examples include the “flower wall” in the 88th GenevaInter-national Motor Show, the interactive wall of classic Japanese flowers displayed in the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, the paper tube wall at the welcome party of the New York Fashion Week, the water graffiti device in France, the light wall inspired by Lite Brite in San Francisco and the Australian LUMES wall to calm children in hospitals.
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We monitor social media content from Social Apps including WeChat and Weibo, as well as numerous News outlets. The pie chart below tells you which apps have the most buzz around your industry. Knowing which platforms are buzzing will help you plan your channel strategy.

The Buzzword cloud is generated daily to help you identify key trends and industry terminology. The larger the word, the bigger the buzz!
Top three buzzword:
 Testing (检测), China (中国), Blue Book (蓝皮书)

If you want to learn more about the story behind the buzz, please contact Ariel for more information.
United Media Solution (UMS) is an award-winning marketing to Chinese agency. We are a full-service independent agency which specialises in digital and social marketing. Learn more about us HERE.

UMS also offers a number of other social monitoring services to suit your business needs. If you would like learn more or sign up for Morning Brief, contact UMS Establish Team Director Ariel Yan at 
ariel.yan@umssocial.com, or reply to this email directly.
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